Acupuncture and TCM for Headaches
If you experience headaches and migraines, you are not alone. Millions of people suffer from some type of severe headache every year. Whether your headaches are mild, or you develop severe migraines, these pains can impact your daily life and leave you looking for some relief.
While drugs and other medications might work temporarily and can help eliminate the pain quickly, common medications do not address the root cause or restore balance in the body. And worst of all, many of these drugs have harmful side effects and are not intended for use over long periods of time.
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) provide a safe and effective alternative to relieving headache pain without unwanted side effects. Our acupuncturist will take a whole-body approach to help understand and the causes of your headaches. The treatments will consist of points along the meridian pathways. Some of the best points for headaches are points at the end of the channels that start in the head. After treatment, a variety of lifestyle changes and self-care techniques may be suggested to help expedite your healing process. These changes could include physical activity, increasing hydration, and eating a healthy diet.
Acupuncture care from Sunshine Healing Arts is extremely effective in naturally reducing the frequency and severity of migraines and headaches. By working with our acupuncturist and making some simple lifestyle changes, you will be on your way to a pain free, more balanced, and happier life!